Connect & Grow
Small Groups Promote Fellowship & Spiritual Growth
Connect Groups meet in informal and friendly settings, such as the church, the home, the school, the office and the community. Typically, the groups are separated into men, women and youth to allow members to speak and share freely with one another. There are also Connect Groups for Young Adults and married couples as well. Whatever your background, there is a place for you at the Restoration Center. We live in God’s favor and win in Christ’s power.
Men of Valor
This is the men’s fellowship of the church. Our goal is to raise Godly men who can stand in the gap for their families, communities, and nation. These are men who desire to do the work of the kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit. The men organize various social and evangelistic events as well as financial and investment seminars. They are committed to demonstrating the glory of God in their families, finances, jobs and businesses and in all spheres of life.
Women of Virtue
The purpose of the Women of Glory is to glorify God through prayer, worship and the study of the scriptures. We believe this will build up the women of God bringing them into a more intimate relationship with Jesus as our Lord and Savior. This enables our women to grow in the knowledge of Christ and to fulfill their respective responsibilities to their family, church and community. We are group of Women who believe that GOD has a plan and purpose for everyone of us.
Children’s Church
The children’s church is for children up to middle school age. Children are the heritage of the living God, and are special gifts that have been given to us. We therefore help them discover Kingdom principles through the teaching of the word of God. The word of God is presented to the children in a fun filled manner capturing their attention and engaging their interest. We are committed to establishing a solid foundation for these precious treasures.
Teenage Church
Our teen teachers understand the influence of peer pressure and the challenges of our teenagers. Our teachers lovingly guide these young ones through the minefield of development. Our teachers have been there, they can relate to and can speak the language of these children. The learning experience is filled with plenty of fun activities, and our children excitedly attend Sunday and week day programs where their commitment to Christ is strengthened and receive strength for living.
Young Adults
These are tomorrow’s leaders. Today, we build them up, help them to stand firm and be prepared for the journey ahead. Fellowship is provided in a warm and inspiring setting to motivate and empower them for their life’s purpose. Activities and events center around spiritual, financial, emotional and social development. The goal is to build young people who love the Lord passionately, have a balanced and healthy social life and are motivated to excel in their education, career paths and individual businesses. We believe strongly that we are raising the Presidents, Governors, CEOs, Christian leaders etc… of the future.
Married Couples
The purpose of this connect group is to provide young married couples with biblical principles and life skills that will help them establish and maintain healthy victorious marriages through God’s original plan. We teach that marriage is honorable and a sacred institution according to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our aim is to educate, motivate and empower married couples in understanding how to develop and maintain positive spirit-filled marriages. In addition, we assist couples in every stage of relational development to create a radiant marriage that thrives on love, commitment, intimacy and growth.